• Introductory Online Call/Meeting: This is the initial meeting or call with the client. It's an opportunity to introduce myself, understand the client's needs, and discuss the project scope.

  • The Brief (Questionnaire): A brief is a document or questionnaire that collects all the essential information about the project. It helps clarify the client's expectations, goals, and requirements for the logo design.

  • Debrief/ Strategic Online Session: A session focused on discussing and refining the client’s needs and goals. This step ensures that the project’s strategic direction is well-defined.

  • Stylecape: Brand Vision: I present 2-3 logo options for the client to choose from, each reflecting different aspects of the brand’s identity. Stylecape: A visual presentation that showcases the overall aesthetic direction of the brand.

  • Stylesheet: Brand Usage Guidelines Colors, Typography, Photography Style, Graphic elements, Mini guidline for social media and website.

  • Final Logo Files: I deliver the final logo in various formats and resolutions suitable for different purposes, such as print, web, and social media.

  • Brand Usage Training via Online Call (1 hour): A training session conducted online to guide the client on how to effectively use and apply the brand’s visual identity according to the stylesheet.

What is included?

4-5 UKER | KR. 10 000,- (EKS. MVA)


My work process

Here is a general summary of my work process, highlighting key features and benefits to achieve the best results

2. Searching for Style Inspiration!

After getting all information, I dive deep into the company's purposes, brand promises... This is where brand strategy is born and a style direction for us to see if verbal information aligns with the visual appeal.

1. Introduction!

Filling out questionnaires, engaging in discussions, understanding, and analyzing. All answers and interviews helps us to shape the right foundation for brand personality and strategy.

3. Creativity!
4. The finish line is... the starting point!

In the third step, creative work takes place with all its power. During this stage, I provide 3-5 logo designs (depending on the package), accompanied by directional Stylescape. It is really important to see the context of where the logo will be used.

You and your customers will love the brand solution we've made. Accompanying documents like brand book guide and Stylescapes provide you with the confidence you need to start implementing the new character of the brand to your businesses.

Arrange a FREE discovery call

Get in touch! We'll talk about your visions, what you are trying to achieve, what works and what doesn't and determine if we're a good fit. I can't wait to connect. Hit the button, set the date and time... and off we talk.